C. Haller Education Tutorial Software Japanese I -For PC's and Compatibles -640K RAM required -Internal PC Speaker (or external add-on speaker) required for digitized speech -Sound Blaster/compatible sound cards support -DOS 2.1 or higher required -CGA minimum (VGA recommended) Japanese I is a language education program which can teach you to speak, read, and understand Japanese. Japanese I and its accompanying manual give a thorough self study course in the basics of the Japanese language. This program features digitized speech to demonstrate how Japanese sounds, and employs customized fonts for Japanese characters If you end up using this program, I would request that you support shareware by registering with me by sending a registration fee of US$25.00 (no foreign currencies please). By registering, you will receive a printed manual (showing Japanese characters and other things not possible with a DOS text file), any updates and information on future program releases (e.g. Japanese II, etc.), as well as free technical support (phone, E-mail, and regular mail). Also, if you received or downloaded this program without the internal speaker digitized speech files and/or 3 SoundBlaster digitized speech disks, let me know that when you register and I will send those also (specifiy which files are needed as well as 3.5" or 5.25" disks). C. F. Haller (Education Tutorial Software) 2117 Belmont Lane Redondo Beach, CA 90278 Support Shareware (and encourage me to write Japanese II, Japanese III, etc.). The JAPANESE I software program, its digitized sound files, and the manual are SHAREWARE. Japanese I may be copied and distributed as long as it is accompanied by the README.TXT file, and the program files, sounds, and manual are unaltered. Copyright 1991 by C. Haller. This manual and the software described in it are copyrighted with all rights reserved. C. Haller 2117 Belmont Lane Redondo Beach, CA 90278 To learn about the various program files and sound files, read the text file MANUAL.DOC. To start the program without reading this information first, type JAPAN1. To install the disks on your hard drive, insert disk #1 and type INSTALL. Note: To make a print-out of this file, use the following command in DOS: COPY README.TXT LPT1